Heritage Lofts
180° Diorama
19" x 13" x 7"
48.26 cm x 33.02 cm x 17.78 cm
Construction Period:
AUG 2023 — SEP 2023
Cardboard; Chipboard; Natural twigs; felt; 3D Resin Prints; Multiple LED light strings
This would be the final upgrade completed for the Heritage Lofts diorama. As the Autumnal Equinox was fast approaching, I decided to give the model a complete cycle of seasons.
Having already set the stage for the transition to Summer, the transition to Fall would be fairly straightforward.
For the most part, the only thing that changes is that the foliage begins to turn colours and the sleeves on our shirts get longer.
The groundskeepers who were busy in the Summer are still present, preparing the property for its eventual Winter slumber.
The addition of a window washer adds some levity to the model as various figures are fascinated by his work, including Roscoe, a neighbourhood dog.
Once the season was over, the model was removed from the building lobby. It had the privilege of being showcased for an entire year and brought considerable delight to the building’s various residents.